Robyn Cain
Hello, a very warm welcome to my website.
First, a little bit about my writing and possibly what led to my becoming an author. It involves divulging a secret.
As a teenager I was a closet romance reader. School homework and house chores were rushed so I could return to my beloved reading. I lived for the next trip to my local library. I was every heroine experiencing unimaginable riches, escaping my Asian boundaries and entering the magical worlds created by wonderful authors.
I never expected to become a writer. My plots evolve as I write with my characters leading the way. They inhabit ours and other worlds. My aliens, ghosts, heroes, villains and ordinary people intermingle and cross boundaries.
My dreams of becoming a writer go back to an unfixed point- possibly in high school where I remember I was encouraged by an enthusiastic English teacher - but it was only after getting an English degree and Masters in Creative Writing, that I felt I could really embark on this journey.
Alongside everyday life, I tried to remain sane by running various writing groups. And it hasn't been an easy balancing act.
But looking back, I like the fact that my first book, Seven Stops, took me seven years to complete. I couldn't leave it alone, returning again and again to edit, tweak and proofread. A perfect learning experience for a would-be author.
When I’m not writing, I'm either battling with the weeds in the garden, doing something craft-related, pretending I can bake, or losing myself in the television or a good book.
So, if you like what you've found here, why not drop me a message? I'd love to hear what you think of my stories.
Robyn Cain